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Walking & Overnights

I tailor each visit to your dogs' needs. I can do just about anything you need me to do. Walks, potty breaks, feedings, beach and park trips, even overnights. What ever will make you and your dog the happiest. My rates a very reasonable and are determined by several factors like; how many dogs, for how long, how many days a week and so on. We can work something out that works for both of us. I give discounts for regularly scheduled walks of 5 days a week and on overnights of 7 or more days at a time. I am fully insured through Pet Sitters Associates LLC.


Dogs need exercise! Some more than others. 

I can give your dog the exercise it needs to stay healthy and you to stay sane. If you are away from home for 8 hours or more at a time, your dog could seriously benefit from a good brisk walk. I love walking dogs that need energy drained from their everlasting batteries. Don't come home to a torn up living room or a trash can disaster. Regular exercise can drastically improve the behavior of your dog. 


Sometimes exercise isn't the main reason for needing a dog walker. If you have an indoor dog and are away from the house for too long, accidents can happen. It's not healthy for dogs to hold it in all day while you are at work. I can let your dog outside or take it for a short walk. Give your dog a "potty break" from the boredom. 


How about a fun trip to the park/beach or maybe just some playtime at home. I love playing with my 4 legged friends. We have such a great time together. Dogs need time to be dogs. Let your dog have some fun even if you can't. They'll love you for it!


Your house or mine? I can pet sit for you when you go on vacation. Don't put your dog in a kennel. For around the same price (cheaper in most cases). I can give you a much more personal  service. I love spending time with my 4 legged friends. Leave them safely in my care next time you go away.

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